The cost of a hair transplant depends on how much hair needs to be removed from your scalp, how much hair needs to be removed and where you want to have the procedure. In Nepal, an average hair transplant costs Rs 1 lakh and NRS costs Rs 1 lakh. 5 lakhs. Each graft contains one to four pieces of hair, which cost NRS 30 to NRS 70.

Suggested Read - Hair Transplant in nepal

How much does a complete hair transplant cost?

In general, a hair transplant costs between $4,000 and $15,000, but the exact amount varies. It is common for these costs to be out of pocket. Hair transplants are considered a cosmetic procedure by most insurance companies. There are many factors that contribute to the cost of a hair transplant.

How much does 3000 hair grafts cost?

3,000 grafts can cost as much as $12,000, which works out to $4 per graft. Additionally, specialized treatments, such as body hair transplant or facial hair transplant, cost up to $15 more per graft.

How much does hair transplant cost in Nepal?

The average hair transplant in Nepal costs Rs 1 lakh and NRS costs Rs 1 lakh. 5 lakhs. Each graft contains one to four pieces of hair, which cost NRS 30 to NRS 70. Some people may need 1500 hairs, while others may need 5-7 thousand hairs.

How much does a complete hair transplant cost?

The cost of a hair transplant will depend on how much hair you're moving, but the average cost is between $4000 and $15,000. There are some insurance plans that cover this. Like any type of surgery, implants can also cause bleeding and infection.

How many hairs are there in 2000 grafts?

Two or three strands of hair are usually placed in an average graft. The number of hairs in 2000 grafts ranges from 5000 to 6500.

How much does 1000 graft hair transplant cost?

When you are getting a hair transplant, you should keep all these things in mind. The cost of a one-day FUE procedure is $6. 30 per. In a day, straight hair can receive 1000 to 1200 grafts. A $4000 price tag applies.

Are Hair Transplants 100%?

Hair transplant success rates are generally higher than over-the-counter hair restoration products. It's important to consider a few factors: Depending on the type, transplanted hair can grow back completely in three to four months. The transplanted hair will eventually become thinner, as is the case with regular hair.


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